S3KV is a key value database backed by S3-Compatible Object Storage.

pip install s3kv

Simple Key-Value Interface

The library provides a straightforward key-value interface, allowing developers to store, retrieve, and delete data with ease.


Highly Scalable

S3KV is built on top of S3-Compatible Object Storage, leveraging one of the most widely used cloud object storage services and protocols, which ensures high availability, durability, and scalability.


Encryption at Rest

All data stored in S3KV can be encrypted-at-rest by leveraging the encryption capabilities of S3. This ensures the security and confidentiality of data stored in the database.

Support for Very Large Key Sizes

S3KV can handle key-value pairs with significantly large key sizes, accommodating various use cases and data structures.

Policy-Based Key Access

Users can define fine-grained access policies for individual keys or groups of keys. This ensures that only authorized users or applications can read, write, or delete specific keys.

Key Expiration & Legal Hold

To manage data retention, S3KV allows users to set expiration policies on keys. Once a key expires, it will be automatically deleted from the database.

Low Latency Access

S3KV optimizes key access operations to provide low-latency responses, making it suitable for real-time applications.

Key Tagging

With the tagging feature, developers can assign key-value pairs to one or more tags. A tag is a simple key-value pair that helps organize and categorize keys in the database.

Key Indexing

Keys and their metadata can be indexed locally for faster search (under development).